
Showing posts from February, 2021


The Princes welcome to their court Connelly, Dane Connelly - a veritable encyclopedia of all things Bond. We discuss luxury watches, jet skis, Goldeneye for n64, and so much more. We dig into the early, fun Connery films like From Russia with Love and compare them with the newer, more psychological Craigs. Join us for an episode that's shaken, not stirred, even though it dilutes your martini too much.

Rope / Rear Window

This week the Princes are joined by a bonafide King: Shawtane Bowen (Astronomy Club, Netflix, and, of course, former UCB Harold team Fluffty). We discuss two Hitchcock + Jimmy Stewart classics: Rope , a murder-mystery stage production innovatively translated to film via long takes & Rear Window , an ode to voyeurism, close ups of Jimmy Stewart, and Grace Kelly's charm. Come for a double-helping of Jimmy Stewart, stay for the minor audio issues and adorable dog guest appearances. 


Does this film need any explanation? We discuss whether American's favorite shark movie is a "great" movie. Bill, as always, will decide if this Spielberg character truly has the chomps. 

Modern Times / The Gold Rush

Today's episode is our first look at the silent films of Charlie Chaplin. We follow Charlie’s character “The Tramp” to the nuts and bolts of factory assembly lines, to department stores to nap among fur coats, and to, well, Alaska, to shovel snow. Our two royal hosts snobbishly discuss the nature of comedy itself, attempting to exhaust the genre with their words, words, words. Spoiler alert: Bill and Tim punt on 4th and 1, unwilling to rank these films in their personal pantheon for now. They must watch more Chaplin soon, but he remains in orbit until that day.