Vampires: Nosferatu, Vampyr, and Teeth: A Monstrous Musical Comedy

Today's episode celebrates our favorite Transylvanian friends: VAMPIRES. The Princes are joined by pal and confidant Chris Madden to discuss F.W. Murnau's Nosferatu, Carl Dreyer's Vampyr, and, most importantly, Teeth: A Monstrous Musical Comedy - a play Tim, Chris, and Bill wrote together and performed in 2007. 

Let's be honest. This is a beast of an episode clocking at almost 3 hours long, but we boldly proclaim IT'S WORTH IT. We dig deep into the process of writing and producing a musical and the friendship that was strengthened along the way. We had too much fun recording this insanely self-indulgent episode. Join us, won't you?

You can watch the full show by searching Teeth: A Monstrous Musical Comedy on YouTube or go directly to this link:


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